Coming This Fall…

August 7, 2012 at 10:28 pm (Events) (, , , , , , , , , , , , )

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All Good Things Must Pass, but Awesome Things Keep Going

August 2, 2012 at 4:48 am (Events) (, , , , , , , , )

This summer has been peppered with all sorts of amazing things at Half Price Books in Humble.  Temara Moore kicked off our summer with doing a reading and signing of Bloop! Bloop! Goes the Poop! M.G. King came and read and signed copies of The Librarian on the Roof! Fireman Ricky Meehan from the local fire department came to our kick off party – in gear! We had a photography raffle for brides, a martial arts raffle for sports fans and health gurus, and a southern fiction gift basket raffle when Melinda McGuire came to town for her book signing.  We were also graced with the presence of Delaney Rhodes and Rhonda Dennis.  Last, but certainly not least, Archie has been rocking the acoustic guitar every Friday night all summer.

But as our parents told us and their parents told them, all good things must pass.  With August 1st here, the hottest month of the year doesn’t urge on the spirit of summer, but does quite the opposite – it reminds us that Fall is just around the corner.  Which means: there are only a few performances left from Archie, and all our summery events are bound to begin to morph into more cozy weather activities.

I love cozy weather activities.  Wearing sweaters and boots, hunkering down with a hot cup of joe… sigh.

Needless to say, I am stoked about Fall and the wonderful things we are planning.  Stay posted to see what awesome things of Fall will replace our good things from summer; I will keep my blog updated and you can always check out the store’s website.

P.S. If you are a Houston area musician looking for some troubadour experience, shoot me a message.

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